Any commercial enterprise in the course of implementing its activity faces the necessity to fulfill a large number of formalities not directly related to the commercial activity. It can be legal registration of any organizational changes or hiring of employees – foreign citizens. Solving problems of such kind frequently can be time consuming and challenging; the efforts and time could be used more rationally if the solution of “non-profile” problems is passed over to the “profile” specialists. Certainly, everybody makes his own choice based on his own interests and capabilities: either to forge through the wilds o legislative acts and administrative regulations on his own or to rely upon professionals. Each person often has to make an alternative choice: either to repair the water tap himself or to call a sanitary technician, to self-medicate or to seek medical attention, apply to authorities on his own or to deal with his own business without ruffle…
Whatever be your choice, we sincerely wish you luck and all the best.